A Little About Me..
I have been teaching yoga for 7 years and I have been practising yoga personally for 30 years, which must reflect that I ♥ yoga, yoga keeps me young both mentally and physically, it nurtures and heals both body and soul, it teaches me daily.
I teach traditional hatha yoga and within that I love to weave aspects of vinyasa and yin. I also teach yin and restorative yoga, a bit of a melting pot.
I am triyoga qualified with a certificate of excellence and both british wheel of yoga and yoga alliance accredited, I regularly attend yoga workshops and courses, and am privileged enough to have taught abroad in india, italy and spain. every year i run my own yoga and wellbeing holiday to ibiza.
I truly believe that yogamakesyouhappy and that yoga makes you.
may i be happy
may i be healthy
may i be safe
may i live with ease